In the 2016 Census Report, there were 19,753 people in Wheelers Hill. With a median age of 46 years old, with approximately 48% of residents aged over 40 years of age.
Life in Wheelers Hill is easy. You have great open public spaces, multiple shopping precincts, cafes and family restaurants catering many types of international cuisine. Its also well supported with good public transport.
Wheeler Hill has many older styled brick veneered and weatherboard homes. In recent decades, there has been an influx of new contemporary townhouses and a small introduction to apartments. Its expect to continue for the foreseeable future, with more subdivisions to occur.
Looking for new and off the plan properties near Wheelers Hill? We have a number of opportunities in Glen Waverley, Mulgrave, Notting Hill, Rowville, Scoresby and Wantirna.