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Establishing your objectives

Establishing your objectives. As a former financial planner and now property adviser, Tristan Markulija has seen quite a number of goals and objectives. Some with great motivation, some very realistic and achievable, while some are completely unattainable. Part of our process in sourcing the right property for you, our team devote a large component in educating you on the property market, helping you...


Can a car space add value to a property?

With a rising population density and continued demand for residence within close radius of the CBD, a car space has become a highly sought after feature. Car spaces in Melbourne and Sydney have sold for an alarming price of well over $100,000. The question remains, is a car space worth the additional cost or is it better to pay less and rely on the public transport system. Whether it’s a space on...

5 Important Steps to Buying Your 1st Investment Property

Here we outline five important steps to buying your first investment property: 1. Set Your Goals To accomplish your property needs, you need to establish some primary objectives.  Are you purchasing a property to generate a high rental income stream or capital growth? Is it to be held for the short or long term? Break down your objectives into a few important criterions and place a deadline and/or date...


First Home Buyers – 5 Important steps to buying your first property

First home buyers, buying your first home is generally the biggest financial commitment of your life.  Of course, it’s absolutely normal to feel a mix of emotions… Are we doing the right thing? Can we actually afford it? Should I buy close to the city? Should I wait longer? What if the market changes? As property advisers, we understand the concerns that surround you.  It is our role to help...

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