Market insights


Home loan activity

Home loan activity update. According to the recent research conducted by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), Australians are continuing to borrow funds to purchase a home. The latest data from ABS shows that its reached a historical high. During November 2021, Australians proceeded with new loan commitments of $31.4 billion. This equates to an increase of 6.3% higher than the previous month and...


Melbourne’s Million Dollar Suburbs – December 2021

The Melbourne property market has seen a number of new suburbs join the million dollar club while a few dropped out. Toorak remains in the top spot with a median house price of $4,585,000, while East Melbourne jumped into second place with $4,333,000 and Portsea taking third place with $3,840,000 (however Portsea had less than 30 sales were transacted in the last three months). Rounding up the top 5, was...

Why downsizers look to apartments

W. Not one property fits all, but there is a trend where we see downsizers asking us to source an apartment. Once their children grow up and become independent and move out, parents are often left with a home that is either to big or requires to much maintenance. There are many reasons why they make this change in their lives. In this market insight, we highlight some of them. Purchasing...


Who covers the cost of wear and tear?

Wear and tear occurs over time, particularly when the property gets older. The question asked by many investors is who is responsible? When does it fall on the rental provider or the renter? In this market insight we share some helpful information to help you determine who may be liable. Please note, we highly recommend discussing this in advance with your property manager. They are up to date with the...

Geelong Waterfront

Ten summer activities in Melbourne

Summer has finally arrived, here are ten summer activities you could be doing in Melbourne. There are many more, so please share your favourites in the comments section below. Pink pond Inspired by Australia's pink salt lakes, the National Gallery of Victoria unveils a pink pond in the Grollo Equiset Garden. The pink pool looks sensational, and it is opened to public free of charge.  While splashing...

Keeping your home safe and secure when on holidays

Keeping your home safe and secure when on holidays. We all deserve a holiday, but who doesn't feel a little anxious about leaving their home unoccupied. The last thing you want is to return from a family holiday to soon discover your home has been burgled. Here are some ways to keep your home safe and secure Organise a house sitter Having a house sitter occupy your home while you are away is a...

What capital growth properties have in common

What capital growth properties have in common. When buying an investment property, we all make the decision on the basis of making money. Property investment offers three unique returns, rental (income), tax entitlements and capital growth. In this market insight we highlight the common themes that are seen in a properties that receives capital growth. 1. A good location One of the most...


How to create a cheap study space

How to create a cheap study space. In the wake of the global pandemic, many people have reverted to working from home. Depending on your home, a productive work space is never the same as another. In this market insight we share some ideas on how you can create a study space that is affordable and quite functional. Find a location A study space does not need to be large. Many properties have...

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas! It has been another eventful year in 2021. We want to take this moment to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We thank all of our clients for trusting our service in helping them source a great property and look forward to extending our service to many new clients next year. Please stay safe, enjoy time with your loved ones and we will continue to share our market...

Reasons people use home security cameras

Reasons people use home security cameras. Most people buy and install home security cameras to protect themselves and potentially detract burglars or thieves from invading their home. Most would already be well aware that this is the primary reason to have them. However you'd be surprised to learn what other odd reasons people also look to have them. According to an RACV survey there are almost...

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