House & Land


Building on a sloping block

Building on a sloping block. Sourcing the perfect block of land to build your brand new home can be challenging. Will the frontage allow for the home you want? Is the property long enough to have an alfresco and/or backyard? Is the block in the right location and within budget? These are just some of the many considerations to figure out. What should you do if the block of your dreams is on a slope? In...


Most common home burglary entry points

Most common home burglary entry points. When buying a home, the last thing you want to worry about is the threat of having your home broken into.  Unfortunately home burglaries can occur in any suburb any time. It is important to always secure your home to prevent these occurrences In this market insight we highlight the most common home burglary entry points and some tips to avoid...


What to consider when choosing a construction loan

What to consider when choosing a construction loan. If you want to build a new house or perhaps update your existing property, this generally funded through a construction loan. It is quite common that many of our clients want our help sourcing a house and land package. In this market insight we aim to highlight some things to consider when choosing a construction loan.   What is a construction...


Seven-star energy rating for new homes

Seven-star energy rating for new homes. The Victorian Government recently announced a set of new building standard that are to take into effect from 1st October 2023 with a transition strategy to occur from 1st May 2023. These new changes will mean, new home owners will find it cheaper to heat and cool your property all year round. It is anticipated to be more comfortable to occupy, particularly against...

Residential fencing laws in Victoria

Residential fencing laws in Victoria. When buying a house and land package, there are many ways of going about it. The more popular and transparent method is to buy a full turn-key home that offers a fixed price and is fully inclusive. Fully inclusive, also means landscaping and fencing. As each home has a fence dividing each property to the next, the last thing you want to do is upset your new...


How to understand the value of your property

How to understand the value of your property. There are many ways to determine the value of your property, but in this market insight we highlight three large factors that generally outweigh all other considerations. Understanding the value of your property will make it easier to understand how you can add value to your investment property in the future. There are three main ways to value of your...

The benefits of a rear loaded home

The benefits of a rear loaded home. There are many house designs created to cater many different forms of land sizes. Pricing affordability has also introduced a number of different house and land packages to meet buyer's budgets. Rear loaded homes are one of these great solutions that are being warmly received by buyers. What is a rear loaded home?  A rear loaded home is when a garage is situated at...


What is a planning permit?

What is a planning permit? In this market insight we discuss the planning permit process and why its an important aspect to any new build. There are many planning permits that apply to both residential, commercial and various home imprisonments or renovations. In this market insight we will discuss the aspect of managing a brand-new home on a vacant block of land. Prior to commencing a home build, you'll...


Single storey vs double storey homes

Single storey vs double storey homes. This is a question asked by a number of our clients. When buying a house and land package, there are a large variety of choices to select from, both internally and externally. If the buying intention is to purchase a home to occupy or to invest, no one person settles on the same type of home. In this market insight, we discuss the difference between a single storey...


Current tapware trends

Current tapware trends in 2022. When buying off the plan, one of the great benefits is having the ability to select your own fixture and fittings. One area that many buyers like to customise to their home are the tapware fittings in both the bathrooms and kitchens. Tapware can really offer a sophisticated look to you bathroom and kitchen. It becomes a focal point of the room. Choosing the right tapware...

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