According to the 2006 census, the median age of persons in Geelong was 37 years. About 78.4% of people from Geelong are Australian-born, but it is becoming a very popular location to raise families.
Geelong is an emerging health, education and advanced manufacturing hub. The city's economy is shifting quickly and despite experiencing the drawbacks of losing much of its heavy manufacturing, it is seeing much growth in other sectors, positioning itself as one of the leading non-capital Australian cities
Most of the suburb is made up of large homes. Some blessed with coastal views, while many new estates are developing new house and land packages.
Geelong has some new and existing schools to cater the population increase in the suburb. Geelong is made up of 60 suburbs, so many education facilities are available. Many include South Geelong Primary School, Ashby Primary School, Norh Geelong Grammar and Norh Geelong Secondary College to name a few.
Looking for new and off the plan properties near Geelong? We have a number of house and land packages for sale.