

Did you know there are new smoke alarm rules and regulations?

You must ensure your investment property is compliant with the current regulations. Each state...
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The importance of landlord cover

Buying an investment property is a wonderful achievement and an excellent asset you could own....
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Open floor plans are the new lifestyle match

We all live busy life styles, but its without doubt an exciting time to be living your life in...
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Why many people can’t retire comfortably

Why many people can't retire comfortably. It’s not rocket science that everyone wants to...
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How brand new property is becoming eco-friendly

New properties have become quite environmentally responsible or eco-friendly. They also feel...
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Property Settlement Guide

Property Settlement Guide - a guide to helping you experience a satisfactory settlement when...
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Great tips when selecting a property manager

Once you have purchased an investment property, there are a few important items to consider....
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Establishing your objectives

Establishing your objectives. As a former financial planner and now property adviser, Tristan...
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The benefits of an owners corporation

The benefits of an owners corporation. An Owners Corporation was previously known as Body...
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Why do we love real estate?

Why is owning real estate an Australian dream? Putting it quite simply, Australian’s love...
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Glen Waverley_Townhouse_Melbourne_1

How off the plan buys more time

Time is the most valuable commodity. If we could by time to continue saving, while locking in...
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Living Area Malvern East

Price is what you pay, Value is what you get

I don't know if it's forward thinking or impulse buying, but we always buy things in bulk if...
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First home buyers – why you should buy now

Many people often feel that if they wait, they may find a bargain. Bargains come and go. First...
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Apartment & Townhouse living – increasing popularity

Many years ago, many buyers purchasing apartments and townhouses were acquiring them for...
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Can a car space add value to a property?

With a rising population density and continued demand for residence within close radius of...
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5 Important Steps to Buying Your 1st Investment Property

Here we outline five important steps to buying your first investment property: 1. Set Your...
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Rent – The true core of real estate

Rent – The true core of real estate. Investing in real estate should be a buy/hold approach....
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Where to buy Melbourne property for under $500k

Melbourne property under $500K. It’s evident that property prices in Melbourne continue to...
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5 Reasons why you need a property adviser

Buying property is an exciting time. The feeling you get after buying provides such a great...
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What is a walk score and why it’s important?

The walk score reflects how easy it is to get around without a car. The walk score is a number...
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Melbourne – The most liveable city

Melbourne - The most liveable city in the world. There are many research houses in the world...
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