Five ways to add instant curb appeal


Five ways to add instant curb appeal. Coming home from a busy day at work, its so welcoming to see your beautiful front facade. There are a number of ways to do this, but it doesn’t always have to be dramatic.

In this market insight we provide five (5) effective ways to gain instant curb appeal.

1. Metal windows frames look slick

Wooden window frames can suit a certain amount of facades, but aluminium window frames are more slimline. They can be installed with a large variety of colours, but they can really modernise a home and enhance its contemporary look. The slimline makes the windows look bigger and more appealing too.

2. Include some mix textures, but don’t forget adding some brick

You can include a variety of textures to add instant curb appeal. They can add an extra dimension. Modern housing can be very creative, but don’t forget to add some brick to the facade. Many new homes take the rendered option, which looks great, but the traditional feel of some brickwork can really be pleasing to the eye,

Facades can trend and change quickly, but bricks have stood the test of time. They are aesthetically versatile, easily maintained and also more affordable. They’re also a great way of adding texture and complexity to your façade. Bricks can also come in a variety of colours, so you can still enhance your home’s individuality.

3. Install a smart front door to the home

The quickest and most effective way to add style to your house entry is your front door. It’s not only a sophisticated look, its also a more safe and secure entry to the home.


4. The gutters and fascia

Whatever facade you choose, the gutters and fascia play a bigger part in the look than you realise. The home looks cleaner with sharper lines and can add to the metal frame windows.

5. The Roof

Further to the gutter and fascia, the roof is the final crowd pleaser to offer the home instant curb appeal. At Crest Property Investments, we like to explain the importance of the roof when talking about a gentlemen in a suit/tuxedo. If he isn’t wearing impressive shoes to match, the suit/tuxedo loses all of its appeal. We feel this is the same to the exterior of a home. Without a roof to match the facade, the home will lose its instant curb appeal.

If you’d like to learn more about property and lifestyle, please feel free to look us up on our website. Our YouTube channel and Market Insights also provide a wealth of information to assist you with many areas relating to property.

While we have taken care to ensure the information above is true and correct at the time of publication, changes in circumstances and legislation after the displayed date may impact the accuracy of this article. If you want to learn more, please contact us. We welcome the opportunity to assist you.

June 2024

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