The benefits of double glazed windows.
When building your new home, one of the most exciting benefits is you can custom your home, make it more energy efficient and function to suit your every day needs. One feature that offers many great benefits to your home are double glazed windows. In this market insight we summarise some of them for you, as may want to consider having them in the future.
What are double glazed windows?
Double glazed windows and also doors are sealed units made up of two pieces of glass, generally 20mm apart, separated by a sealed air gap. The air gap acts as a thermal break between the inner and outer pieces of glass, creating an effective insulated window unit.
What are some of the benefits double glazed windows?
Aesthetically pleasing
Windows are very aesthetically pleasing. They look fantastic and they bring in lots of natural light. They can be designed in a variety of shapes and sizes, so you can get a little creative, if you have the budget!
Energy efficiency
Double glazed windows and doors can improve your energy efficiency within the home. It’s been noted a home can potentially save up to 40% on their energy bill, but that would differ depending on the size of your home. They can help retain a consistent room temperature all year round reduce carbon emissions.
Financial savings
As highlighted above, more energy efficiency leads to financial savings. It is incredible to think you could potentially save up to 40% on your energy bill. It noted that over three quarters of your energy bill is made up of heating and cooling. Having double glazed windows keeps the temperature consistent so you’ll be fortunate to saving some money in that department.
Comfort and health
Energy efficient windows make your home more comfortable and help to create a brighter, cleaner and healthier environment. Improved thermal comfort is not just determined by air temperature but also by the temperature of surfaces. Double glazed windows keep the inside glass surface temperature as close as possible to the desired room air temperature.
If you are looking for a Sunday sleep-in, taking out that unwanted noise outside will have you catching those extra forty winks!

They also provide great soundproof. This means it heavily drops the sound barriers coming from other parts of the home. It also reduces any unwanted sounds from outside, most notably traffic (car or walking). It will also reduce the sounds of any air traffic that may be passing by too.
soundproof Air leakage resulting from poor seals will allow unwanted noise to travel through windows and doors and into your home. Double glazed windows stop this leakage and improve acoustics. If you’re dealing with a specific noise problem, such as road traffic, air traffic or trains, there are different types of glass options that can be used to address these concerns.
What to do next?
Before buying your next home, maybe consider the idea of building a new property. At Crest Property Investments, we specialise in sourcing brand new and off the plan properties for buyers. We also offer a free service to do this. If you’d like to learn more, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We would welcome the opportunity to help with location, property type and much more.
Our YouTube channel and Market Insights also provide a wealth of information to assist you with many areas relating to property.
While we have taken care to ensure the information above is true and correct at the time of publication, changes in circumstances and legislation after the displayed date may impact the accuracy of this article. If you want to learn more, please contact us. We welcome the opportunity to assist you.
January 2024