How Tristan Markulija keeps a work life balance

Being the founder of Crest Property Investments, it no doubt required a lot of attention. I am fortunate enough to have found a working career that I feel passionate about, while its introduced me to some amazing people along my journey.

Here is the latest from Tristan Markulija:

How do you keep a work life balance?

The first step for myself to keep a work life balance was finding a career I enjoy. It makes my work life feel less stressful and less of an obligation. I have a lot of persona and family commitments which has pushed my work life balance over the years. I coach my son’s basketball team, I play in tennis competitions, I compete in CrossFit events, I go bike riding and kayaking with friends. My family life is very busy and this has really balances my life. 

If I encounter a frustrating day at work, my family commitments take my attention from it. Each day is a reset, so I always start the day with a clear head. 

Do you work from home?

We have an office, but I spend a considerable time sourcing and researching properties opportunities for clients from home. I feel more productive working at home as I have less distractions, more time without the need to commute, while having the chance to welcome my children home from school!

My team at Crest Property Investments also enjoy the benefits of working from home too. Post covid-19 lockdowns in 2020, we have learnt to adapt and remain productive in a safe office environment. It’s the new way, as we see our service as a satellite. We condfuct our client meetings at their convenience. It may be at a cafe, our office or theirs, the client’s home or through the reliability of zoom calls.

How did you work through lockdown?

At first it was a shock and an inconvenience, but with the use of technology, we had everything available to us. Many clients required our service sourcing house and land packages, so we created a number of virtual tours of different homes to allow client to gain a tangible perspective on the property. Most found this to be highly helpful and allowed them to proceed with our advise or service.  

What does a day in the life of a working parent look like at Crest Property Investments?

Our entire team have children so we are completely understanding when family needs you. Family comes first, so we are very flexible with one another. In the event one of us has a number of personal affairs to attend, others pick up the pace and cover it. 

For myself personally, each day is vastly different. Some days I am taking the kids to school, other days it may be their swimming or tennis lessons. I have in the past made an attempt to take a few calls while they are doing their activities, but my kids (daughter in particular) called me out. “Dad, get off the phone and watch me do a back flip at gymnastics”…!

Being a working parent can be challenging, so I have created a schedule in my diary so I make sure I do all the things I need to without overlapping being a parent.

Looking at last year – what has surprised you the most when working from home?

I learnt that people are also busy. Taking some time for a phone call or zoom call can be as productive as asking a client to meet after hours. If you remain honest and transparent, people find comfort in you. As I offer property investment advice, my research demonstrates my knowledge of understanding my client and the property in question.

Are there any good property investment opportunities in the market right now?

There are a number of investment opportunities where I see great value. In the current property cycle, I am currently leaning towards house and land packages and a few townhouses. With a number of government initiates, there are some great ways to buy. In terms of location, it depends on our client circumstances. Not one property or one location is appropriate for everyone. In saying that, I have some great confidence in a number of areas, including metropolitan Melbourne and regional Victoria.

At Crest Property Investments we offer tailored advice and help our buyers from start to finish. Please feel free to contact us if you’d like to learn more about property investment. You can further learn more about our service by watching our introductory video. We specialise in sourcing brand new and off the plan properties for buyers.

May 2021

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