What is the worst suburbs in Melbourne for home burglaries?


According to the latest RACV analysis here are a list of Victoria’s latest crime statistics and home burglaries. Some suburbs may surprise you…

The analysis conducted by the RACV use multiple data from government officials, the Victoria Police. Statistics sourced from 2018-19 studies have been collated to identify the most dangerous and safest suburbs in Melbourne.

A scary thought…The data indicates that three residences are broken into every hour. This equates to seventy two properties burgled each day.

It’s been determined regional Victoria demonstrates the highest risk ranking with eight of the top ten dangerous suburbs. Many of these suburbs potentially less known to Melbournians its deemed one in thirty three properties are encountering home burglaries.

The top rank for being the highest at risk for burglary resides in Braybrook, a western suburb just 10 kms from the Melbourne CBD (city). It’s determined that the suburb could encounter more than twice the states average, with one in thirty nine homes broken into over the last twelve months to 30 June 2019.


The decline in home burglaries is pleasing, but the analysis conducted by the RACV discovered that 25% felt less safe than that of five years ago. In positive news, the Crime Statistics Agency’s research indicates home burglaries across the state of Victoria have reduced by approximately 12.6% in preceding twelve month period to 30th June 2019. The average break-in dropped from one in seventy six homes to one in ninety one homes.

The Crime Statistics Agency data for the 2018 calendar year found the most likely time for home burglaries to occur was during the day on a Friday, making up about 17% of home burglaries, while approximately 15% were directed on Saturdays, 14% on Thursdays and 13.5% on Sundays.

In additional statistics, about 14% got in through an unlocked door, while the most stolen possessions were cash, jewelry and electrical appliances. Another important trend, stealing keys had increased over the same period.


While we have taken care to ensure the information above is true and correct at the time of publication, changes in circumstances and legislation after the displayed date may impact the accuracy of this article. If you want to learn more, please contact us. We welcome the opportunity to assist you.

Nov 2019

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